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Flow Chemistry
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Flow Chemistry
Flow Chemistry Flow Chemistry


Flow Chemistry

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Multinpharma's chemical engineering lab was set up in 2009, mainly for flow chemistry research. Our services include assessment of flow reaction feasibility, design of prototypes, process definition and optimization, equipment design and validation, and technology transfer to production. We have developed different types of equipment to support a wide range of reaction types and implemented processes on a wide range of scales, leading to many happy customers. We also have applied for a number of patented technologies home and abroad.


● Inherent engineering advantages such as high-speed mixing, highly efficient heat transfer, controllable reaction residence time, repeatability, and lack of amplification effect often lead to improved process performance.

● Often needs fewer chemicals, and can sometimes be applied to reactions that cannot be run safely in batch mode.

● For multi-ton processes, smaller floor coverage and less up-front investment than intermittent batch reaction, and can easily be automated control. This is of great significance for large-scale production.




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